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Welcome to the online home of BIGREDCAR!
Thank you for helping to fuel independent music. With fans like you there isn't anything that can't be done. We will be releasing a steady stream of new music and content in 2024 and look forward to seeing you somewhere in person... SOON! In the meantime, please enjoy a limited-time free download from the music player below of our debut single, GIRL. Also streaming on all the usual platforms. We're just getting started, so jump in the car, turn it up and let's get to know each other!
Greg, Louis & Zac
GREG MILLER vocals.guitar
LOUIS EWING drums.vocals
Big Red Car is an alternative rock power-trio featuring Greg Miller, Louis Ewing and Zac Miller. Formed in Arizona in late 2023, all three members are originally from SoCal where they first started performing together in several other musical situations. Inspired by legendary trios including Rush, Blink-182 and Muse, BRC now adds their unique perspective to what it means to be a power-trio. “I’ve always been fascinated with making the biggest sound possible with the fewest people possible. Since I first started playing… it just always appealed to me. Minimum hassle, maximum fun”, says Greg.
But what about the name - Big Red Car? The original big, red car was an old 1975 Ford Galaxie 500 given to Greg by his grandfather. Greg - “It was my first car and it was huge. I didn’t know what to think about it at first, ya know, it wasn’t the Ferrari I had imagined haha. But it gave me my first taste of independence and it could carry all of our gear at the time - guitars, amps and a full drum kit with the band fitting nicely across the giant front bench seat. It took us to our first gigs, our first studio experiences and on the weekends to the beach in Ventura as often as possible... so many memories. It was awesome!”
And that’s it… Music makes everything better and we love making it. We hope this Big Red Car can find a permanent place in your playlists in 2024 and beyond! ~ BRC